Monday, March 30, 2009

An update! OMG

Yes yes it has been a while...just trying to keep up on things is so hard sometimes! Well lets see here...we had the kids Dr appt last week and everything is great. Hayden is becoming a little jibberjabber mouth. She just babbles, it is the cutest thing. At times I swear she is saying "bear" or even "bubba" I am sure that she will be talking up a storm in no time...

Yesterday Nick took the kids to Boulder City to visit grandpa and grandma, they had a great time. The kids LOVE to be outside, if they could play outside all day they would. I am continuously having to make sure that both kids are inside as Kaden loves to venture out the doggy door as well (he is actually worse than she was).

Nick sent this picture to me yesterday and I think it is just a great picture, sure it is a little windy, but I just cannot believe how big my babies are getting!

My task for tonight (after I finish this post) is to get the numbers all ready so I can send the stuff to my tax man and get that done and out of the way. Yes each year I say I am going to get it done sooner, but that doesnt happen :( I will work harder next year!

So that is all for now, i will do better and keeping this updated...


Bonnie said...

Your twins are so cute! I have a twin sister & she's my best friend :)

Awburn Sedillo said...

they are getting big. its crazy how fast time is flying by. i did get that picture from you i just didnt get a chance to text back. it was very cute though. good luck with the tax stuff