Sunday, December 28, 2008

We have a smarty pants in the house!

I always knew and could tell you time after time that Hayden is a "Smarty Pants" she is always too smart for her little britches. She would be a little sneak, she always figures out how to do something first....and she really pushes your buttons, she knows how hard to push and she will back off sometimes...but today she was really smart...

Nick and I were in the living room and all of a sudden it was quiet...hmmm what could the twins be up to? Well he goes walking down the hallway and says you need to come and look at this. I guessed it before he could say it, Hayden crawled in the bathtub. Now let me tell you they just LOVE the bathtub for some reason, so pretty soon Nick was going to put away the camera and there goes Kaden he was leaning so far into the tub to get toys and he was in the tub too! Silly kids I tell ya!

So now it is lunch time and I am hungry, so I decide that taco bell sounds good for lunch. I get dressed and get in the car and off to taco bell I go...while in the Drive thru lane a picture message comes in from nick....and lo and behold here it is...

Now the kids have always been facinated with the doggie door and I have just been waiting for the time for one of them to figure out how to get thru. She did eventually make it thru to the outside, in the time that Nick was getting the video camera as well as the still camera she was outside laughing at him from the sliding glass door and walking down the sidewalk...what a little stinker!!
On my way to work I get another text msg, stating that Nick was looking for Hayden and when he couldnt find her he spotted her on the outside and once she spotted him she darted down the sidewalk...she escaped thru the doggy door.... Oh my....
So there it is in a nutshell, we officially have a smarty pants in the house!!! I wonder what she will come up with next...
Speaking of the little devil, as I am typing this I get another text from Nick saying that Hayden is a little turd and it was quiet and she was then again OUTSIDE... we are in trouble!

1 comment:

Awburn Sedillo said...

I would say you have your hands full! She is so busy!