Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Baby Update...

Went for my growth ultrasound today, everything is still looking good...Our baby boy is weighing in at 3 lbs and our baby girl is close behind at 2 lbs 14 oz...Our baby boy was being stubborn (there is always 1 child that doesn't cooperate!) At least she was able to get the measurements that she needed. Our baby girl was better and head down (which is a good sign). Our baby boy was in his favorite spot being transverse (which is sideways).

I go to my regular OB doctor in the morning and who knows what is going to happen. I got a heads up today that I did not pass my 3 hr glucose screening test so that means I am most likely have developed Gestastional Diabetes. I have come to expect it because I was warned in the begining about it. It occurs more in women who have multiple births because of the 2 placentas. Gestational Diabetes is caused by a hormone that the placenta releases, so it makes more sense to have more of that hormone floating around because I have double the placenta mass...I will just see what the DR has to say in the morning and take it day by day...

Other than that, everything else is going well...I am in a pinch trying to figure out what to do about my leave of absence...I guess I will just have to talk to the DR and see what he suggests...I just want to be prepared and make sure to get paid and all that good stuff...it is all frustrating...ahhh...


Awburn Sedillo said...

Well hopefully things went well today. I have to call mom and get an update.

Awburn Sedillo said...

ok just because they cut off the blogging at work doesn't mean you dont need to anymore...we need another update!!